A regular call for movie titles exploring the issues of homosexuality, gender issues, kink, and the sex-positive community can be found on any online forum dedicated to adult discussions about sexuality. It's obvious that people are ready - eager - to see films that reflect a less biased view of adult relationships than Hollywood has been inclined to offer in the recent past.

The times are changing once again, as we enter into a new sexual revolution, and there are more and more movies being made that reflect a more positive attitude toward sexuality, in all its delicious, decadent forms.

In the sidebar you'll find links to the reviews and a list of categories you can browse if you're looking for something particular.

So, dust off your movie rental card and buy that case-lot of popcorn.

And please, no talking during the feature presentation!

Cin is an active member of the Vancouver sex-positive community, and a die-hard film buff. She has a taste for taboo-breaking cinema and art, and enjoys introducing others to the rainbow of entertainment at our disposal that exists in these media-saturated times. She's long been drawn to the work of such bad-boy directors as Pedro Almodovar, Baz Lurhman and Atom Egoyan. Over the years she's developed a insatiable taste for films that push the edge, films that challenge tradition. Films that titillate the senses and open the mind.

She welcomes feedback HERE